Village of
New York Mills
Oneida County, NY
 Search Website 

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You can search by one or more words or phrases. Phrases are grouped by quotes ("). For example, the search fishing permit will find documents containing the word "fishing" or the word "permit" or both. The search fishing AND permit will find documents containg both "fishing" and "permit". The search "fishing permit" will find documents with the exact phrase "fishing permit".

Boolean operators allow terms to be combined for more powerful querries.

  • OR: Finds documents containing either term or both terms. Example: fishing OR permit finds documents containing the word "fishing" or the word "permit" or both. Since OR is the default operator it is used automatically. So, the search fishing permit is the same as fishing AND permit.
  • AND: The AND operator finds documents containing both therms. Example: fishing AND permit will find documents containg both "fishing" and "permit".
  • +: The + operator ensures that all found documents contain the term after the + symbol. Example: +fishing permit will find all documents containing "fishing" including any documents that also contain the word "permit".
  • NOT: The NOT operator excludes documents that contain the term after NOT. Example: fishing NOT permit will find documents containing "fishing" but not "permit".
  • -: The - operator excludes documents that contain the term after the - symbol. Example: -fishing permit will find documents containing "permit" but not "fishing".